What did you code last?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Show us all the last thing you coded!
That's pretty cool!

Do you plan to leave it as is or do you hope to customize it more?
I definitively need to customize it. I just put it up as it came out and I was eager to show how it works (proving the concept) Later I plan to integrate some cool stuff into the user's profiles using the data of that board.

Right now I am making some webhooks to send/receive alerts to users about the board's activity in real time.

Every time I look at the page, ideas start flowing and I realize I am just one lol... I have to remind me one thing at a time :)
I last coded a forum. It is almost done, and I have it up on the interwebs. codetana.
I had this domain lying around so I used it.
Oh wow what motivated you to do that rather than use Xenforo? I suppose it’s a good way to save money but time is the cost :D

I last coded in my job LOL - of course I can’t show you that unless you won’t be fired from my job :P
Oh wow what motivated you to do that rather than use Xenforo? I suppose it’s a good way to save money but time is the cost :D

I last coded in my job LOL - of course I can’t show you that unless you won’t be fired from my job :P
Oh it's not about the cost, really. I just wanted to do something to exercise my brain haha. I do agree that if I wanted to start a community, I would definitely use something off the shelf.
I coded an alternative drop-down menu code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery. It makes use of an unordered list as the select menu and list items as the option items. It works just like a drop-down menu would, only it's more customizable and easy to style.
For work, the user wanted to convert a data definition list:
<dd>Black hot drink</dd>
<dd>White cold drink</dd>
to an accordion, and they wanted it as a WordPress plugin.

A quick five minute jaunt into VS Code, and a new plugin is born. With the amount of plugins I make for clients, I could probably start my own WordPress agency haha.


edit: that domain is not live yet, since its a personal project, and thats my personal site.
I coded an alternative drop-down menu code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery. It makes use of an unordered list as the select menu and list items as the option items. It works just like a drop-down menu would, only it's more customizable and easy to style.
Have you considered the use of the select2 plugin?
Have you considered the use of the select2 plugin?
It looks nice, but I released my code on my resource board as something administrators can use. It is a minimal code, so it's not a plugin by any means. It's just something simple people can use for better control of their drop-down menu styles and customization. :)
It looks nice, but I released my code on my resource board as something administrators can use. It is a minimal code, so it's not a plugin by any means. It's just something simple people can use for better control of their drop-down menu styles and customization. :)
I mean library my bad. Still a plugin - just a different kind - ine you integrate into code :P
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