XenForo Is XF worth its price? Why or why not?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
XenForo is $195 for a single domain self-hosted license.

It's cloud service is $60, $100, and $250.

Do you think XenForo is worth the price for its self-hosted and/or cloud-hosted platform?

Why or why not?
I didn't realize they had a price increase. I have 15 licenses that I bought over the years. Last one I bought was $140. I know renewals went up from $40 to $60.

Is it worth the money. I don't think so. You get a license for forum only. If you want to add extras it's more money. If you want to add premium features from addon devs it's more. In the end you could pay as much as $400 for everything you need.

Now the cloud prices seem reasonable. A little more than others. I'd have to see the feature set to compare.
It's worth it. But it's also worth mentioning, the price goes up multiple times when you realize the base product of XF isn't enough. Third party add ons are what XF makes the best software but that isn't really a compliment to them. Where at first you may be shocked at the price of Invision, you'll learn that Invision comes much better packed in features.
First, I apologize for the length of the reply. I find frequently my years of report writing as an LEO impacts my responses as I want to try to be more detailed. So, here we go.

If you want a simple forum and you have the technical skills, the self hosted is a decent paid offering. Notice, I don't say the best, because there are still many QOL functions that are missing from it when compared to other offerings now. As for price, they have recently increased their price after years of keeping it constant, and I have no issues with that. But what I have read several complaints about (and personally agree with) was the fact that the increase did not bring many QOL features to the end users, which is what keeps our sites going.

IMHO one of the main reasons XF took off was because so many at the time were running vB and when Kier and Company left and started their own script, it was similar enough to vB (and coded by ex vB developers) that existing vB admins flocked to it since vB was having issues. And at the time, the forum itself was technically superior to vB and many other competitors. But those days are far behind us now. Other script developers are constantly striving to see where they can push the envelope in their core offering, meanwhile Xenforo rests on their haunches and basically keeps with their staid early 2000's era formula.
Their 1st party add-ons also continue to languish from any attention. The prime concentration has been on admin and developer related improvements with a smattering of QOL improvements for the actual site users spread in here and there for the last several years.
Now, I'm only going to lightly touch (in this one sentence) on how dependent XF is on 3rd party developers (many who over the decade have shown to be transient in nature so their add-ons disappear) to get what other scripts offer core and how that negatively impacts many admins that become dependent upon those add-ons for their site offering.

As to their SaaS offering... compared to what you get for what you pay, they are slightly behind other offerings when compared to storage and 1st party add-on offering. Personally, I have no desire to use an SaaS solution since I can get a server/VPS that give me greater performance than what their SaaS offering does, albeit at the requirement of me doing the server maintenance, which I do not mind as it is fun for me still. Not everyone has that ability, and often even those that do decide they would rather spend that time doing something else. As an example, right now I get 300Mbps bandwidth (unlimited), 480GB SSD storage, 32GB RAM and 8 CPU cores to play with for $15 a month. That exceeds the $250 a month offering from XF. Now yes, you do have to factor the software renewal prices and initial purchase price (which decreases based upon the years owned, so for me now it would equate to about $25 a year for purchase cost). So even doing that I pay maybe $60 a month cost IF I renew all my add-ons and the XF stuff each year. Then you add to that I can host additional XF (or other script) sites on my server, which if I did with SaaS would result in an additional cost. So for 2 XF sites to get what my server could offer, I'd be paying $500 a month ($6000 a year) for what I would be paying less than $1500 for for self hosted and keeping all renewals active.
Then you have the additional issue (and this is not distinct for XenForo) that some add-ons require the ability to install other software onto the system. Typically with an SaaS solution, you will not be able to use these.

For those that don't want the the hassle of maintaining a server, there are several quality shared hosting providers out there. MattW is a classic case of one.
I personally do not see the draw of a SaaS offering and seriously doubt I will ever use one. If anything, I would fall back to a high performance shared hosting provider since I do tend to run multiple sites.
But for some, a SaaS solution will fit what their needs are. For some, that will simply be bragging rights that they "run on the cloud". Others, it will be business requirements.

Overall, if you want a base forum and do not want to be dependent upon third party add-ons to provide QOL improvements (or even features like groups, quality articles, calendar) on your site, you may want to look elsewhere. If you are OK with the current design/development paradigm of XF that seems to still be rooted in the early/mid 2000's then XF will probably work fine for you.
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First, I apologize for the length of the reply. I find frequently my years of report writing as an LEO impacts my responses as I want to try to be more detailed. So, here we go.
It's okay. In my line of work, we are the investigative wing of the LEO agency that maintains this particular sector. My reports and investigations are what goes to court so I have written a certain way and a certain length, or it may not pass in court and a suspect gets to walk. I get it haha.

If you want a simple forum and you have the technical skills, the self hosted is a decent paid offering. Notice, I don't say the best, because there are still many QOL functions that are missing from it when compared to other offerings now. As for price, they have recently increased their price after years of keeping it constant, and I have no issues with that. But what I have read several complaints about (and personally agree with) was the fact that the increase did not bring many QOL features to the end users, which is what keeps our sites going.
I'll say this though. Everything is raising in cost, and nothing is being added for the price increase. That's food, the housing market, vehicles, you name it. They're not anything different than what everyone else is doing. Is it right? Not at all. But are they screwing everyone? Just as much as the next corporation is.

IMHO one of the main reasons XF took off was because so many at the time were running vB and when Kier and Company left and started their own script, it was similar enough to vB (and coded by ex vB developers) that existing vB admins flocked to it since vB was having issues. And at the time, the forum itself was technically superior to vB and many other competitors. But those days are far behind us now. Other script developers are constantly striving to see where they can push the envelope in their core offering, meanwhile Xenforo rests on their haunches and basically keeps with their staid early 2000's era formula.
I went with XF because it was supposed to fix the headaches and flaws that we were dealing with on vB at the time. So, I guess I was a part of that trends, too. But I agree, that's a thing of the past. While I still love XF, I have two vB 6 forums and it's not a bad software version at all. They still need to add some extra features but it's doing better than it has in the past. IMO, vB is more of a Invision competitor with 6.0 than they are with XF. XF is pretty much just a standalone forum out of the box while vB6 is a full suite like Invision is.

Their 1st party add-ons also continue to languish from any attention. The prime concentration has been on admin and developer related improvements with a smattering of QOL improvements for the actual site users spread in here and there for the last several years.
Now, I'm only going to lightly touch (in this one sentence) on how dependent XF is on 3rd party developers (many who over the decade have shown to be transient in nature so their add-ons disappear) to get what other scripts offer core and how that negatively impacts many admins that become dependent upon those add-ons for their site offering.
I do agree that they're dependent on third-party stuff. I feel like most of all the addons that Xon made to extend the PMs, alerts, etc. should had eventually been all default features out of the box. I mean, they made sense.

So for 2 XF sites to get what my server could offer, I'd be paying $500 a month ($6000 a year) for what I would be paying less than $1500 for for self hosted and keeping all renewals active.
Heh. I pay $200 a month for my VPS. I have 6 XF installs running on it (and more stuff). I think their Cloud is high priced. Their lowest plan is the cost of the highest plan on VB's SaaS cloud.

Then you have the additional issue (and this is not distinct for XenForo) that some add-ons require the ability to install other software onto the system. Typically with an SaaS solution, you will not be able to use these.

For those that don't want the the hassle of maintaining a server, there are several quality shared hosting providers out there. MattW is a classic case of one.
I personally do not see the draw of a SaaS offering and seriously doubt I will ever use one. If anything, I would fall back to a high performance shared hosting provider since I do tend to run multiple sites.
But for some, a SaaS solution will fit what their needs are. For some, that will simply be bragging rights that they "run on the cloud". Others, it will be business requirements.

Overall, if you want a base forum and do not want to be dependent upon third party add-ons to provide QOL improvements (or even features like groups, quality articles, calendar) on your site, you may want to look elsewhere. If you are OK with the current design/development paradigm of XF that seems to still be rooted in the early/mid 2000's then XF will probably work fine for you.
I'm lucky enough to have had a few licenses where I just renewed. I agree with you on a lot above, but the pricing factor is something everyone is doing, not just them.
I do agree that they're dependent on third-party stuff. I feel like most of all the addons that Xon made to extend the PMs, alerts, etc. should had eventually been all default features out of the box. I mean, they made sense.
I have commented elsewhere on this. It regularly seems that the XF developers can't be troubled to think out of the box and only provide a bare bones minimal offering of many of the functions that their script provides. They have apparently become so dependent upon those outside developers like Xon that they assume it's business as usual...... until that developer retires, dies or something else happens. Xon is a classic example of extending to what the ability should have been. And I sometimes wonder if his calling his add-ons "Essentials" is a tiny jab at XF developers, since we all know that essential indicates it should be standard. :devilish:

Heh. I pay $200 a month for my VPS.
I'm paying around $15.50 a month for a 8 core 16 thread CPU, 32GB RAM and 480GB SSD in a dedicated server that I don't have to share anything with anyone else. Compared even to the Hetzner VPS instance I had it is much faster. 🏇

Their lowest plan is the cost of the highest plan on VB's SaaS cloud.
If talking about XF... that is not really that surprising currently. The sad thing is you are paying for less with the XF SaaS solution than you would with the vB or Invision product. Once you start including these feature sets you don't get with XF that require 3rd party add-ons to gain you realize that your price continue to climb.

I agree with you on a lot above, but the pricing factor is something everyone is doing, not just them.
That's why I said I had no issues with any price increases that they did on their self-hosted script. They kept it steady for several years before raising it. Increasing prices is just a fact of life. The sad thing is that it's pricing more and more out of the market.
I'm paying around $15.50 a month for a 8 core 16 thread CPU, 32GB RAM and 480GB SSD in a dedicated server that I don't have to share anything with anyone else. Compared even to the Hetzner VPS instance I had it is much faster.
$15.50 for a dedicated server? Who with?
$15.50 for a dedicated server? Who with?
It was a Black Friday special with OVH KimSufi line (Canada location).
It normally goes for around $28.

Screen Shot 2024-12-27 at 2.08.14 AM.png

Not what I would run ProxMox on for VPS serving, but for a standalone server it works just fine. I don't need tons of CPU's available for that single site.
I don't need managed servers since I can do that all myself. And even though it is older hardware, they will replace anything that goes belly up and if the server dies they will move me into an equivalent or better if they don't have a replacement.
And since I do not send any mail from it, the crappy reputation of OVH IPs does not affect my mail sending (I send transactional via SES).
I have a 300Mbps pipe, but if I needed larger I would look at their Rise offerings. But they are substantially more (like 5 times) than what I am paying, but you do get more.

My KimSufi CentMin Mod installation
Total Curl Installer YUM or DNF Time: 107.3408 seconds
Total YUM Time: 63.751749931 seconds
Total YUM or DNF + Source Download Time: 82.4671
Total Nginx First Time Install Time: 68.5625
Total PHP First Time Install Time: 386.6875
Download From Github Time: 0.8968
Total Time Other eg. source compiles: 228.4013
Total Centmin Mod Install Time: 766.1184
Total Install Time for curl yum + cm install + zip download: 874.3560 seconds
AlmaLinux 9.5 Teal Serval  5.14.0-503.14.1.el9_5.x86_64
8 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz
1 3377.086 1 3589.035 1 3590.187 1 3591.540 1 3591.543 1 3591.561 1 3591.567 1 3800.000
Centmin Mod Version: 140.00beta01.b162
Install Summary Logs: /root/centminlogs/installer_summary_links.log

And the 4vCPU/8GB/200GB NVMe Hetzner VPS I had before

Total Curl Installer YUM or DNF Time: 76.7443 seconds
Total YUM Time: 31.975657296 seconds
Total YUM or DNF + Source Download Time: 50.7932
Total Nginx First Time Install Time: 212.0399
Total PHP First Time Install Time: 412.9353
Download From Github Time: 0.8017
Total Time Other eg. source compiles: 215.1361
Total Centmin Mod Install Time: 890.9045
Total Install Time (curl yum + cm install + zip download): 968.4505 seconds
AlmaLinux 8.7 Stone Smilodon  (4.18.0-372.32.1.el8_6.x86_64)
4 AMD EPYC Processor
4 2445.406
Centmin Mod Version: 130.00beta01.b244

I'm paying about the same for the for the dedi as I was the Hetzner VPS.
I use to think it wasn't, but I've grown to like Xenforo a lot.
I am starting to like vBulletin a lot but I still have a big enjoyment for XenForo.

I do express concerns like others do about no real updates occurring. Right now in all honesty, vBulletin has had more major feature updates that XenForo has had in a long time.

I no longer really see VB being versus XF.

VB is more in line of Invision now. XF is just a standard forum software like MyBB and SMF.

VB is like Invision, it's a suite of community products.

VB6 isn't just a forum, it's a user blog, user article, and user social groups all built in as a suite.
VB is more in line of Invision now. XF is just a standard forum software like MyBB and SMF.
But...but...but... according to some that's all you need. :devilish:
I use to think it wasn't, but I've grown to like Xenforo a lot.
I am starting to like vBulletin a lot but I still have a big enjoyment for XenForo.

I do express concerns like others do about no real updates occurring. Right now in all honesty, vBulletin has had more major feature updates that XenForo has had in a long time.

I no longer really see VB being versus XF.

VB is more in line of Invision now. XF is just a standard forum software like MyBB and SMF.

VB is like Invision, it's a suite of community products.

VB6 isn't just a forum, it's a user blog, user article, and user social groups all built in as a suite.
I originally was a big fan of vBulletin when @Cpvr use to run his forum VPL with VB. I don't remember how long ago, it was a whole, but he also switched to Xenforo.
I used to be a VB user back in the 3.X days. Then after v4 and the new owners, I moved on the XF.

But since I've started using v6, I've really started liking see what I'm seeing!
If you basically want a forum then Xenforo is a good solution. It is when you want to start pushing your site to offer more that it becomes expensive and dependent upon outside developers.
For a forum only there are other solutions out there that are cheaper or even free. We just moved a site I administer over to NodeBB. It's new to me and to @Tracy, so we are both learning it. And so far I am really impressed with it. It has some features that even XF does not have.
The price is decent for what you get but their development is very slow. What did it take, almost 2 years to go between 2.2 to 2.3?
If I was wanting a full featured site I would look at other software like Invision.
If you basically want a forum then Xenforo is a good solution. It is when you want to start pushing your site to offer more that it becomes expensive and dependent upon outside developers.
For a forum only there are other solutions out there that are cheaper or even free. We just moved a site I administer over to NodeBB. It's new to me and to @Tracy, so we are both learning it. And so far I am really impressed with it. It has some features that even XF does not have.
The price is decent for what you get but their development is very slow. What did it take, almost 2 years to go between 2.2 to 2.3?
If I was wanting a full featured site I would look at other software like Invision.
I agree with this.

XF is good for a standalone forum which is what I want AAF to be more or less.

However, if I wanted to build a website around a forum but still have a fully functional forum, I'd go with something else like Invision.

It's like I tell people, to me vBulletin and Invision are more like competitors because they both offer a suite of products in one. XenForo just offers a forum.
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