Is blogging dead?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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Some fear blogging is dead.

They think AI has killed it.

I ask how true that is? Really?

I have a Paid ChatGPT account. I like AI and want to get good at using it. But I don't use it to research things I'm really interested in.

I use Google and I click on links that go to articles. 90% of them are blogs.

More than 43% of the internet is powered by WordPress as the website platform.

I don't think blogging is dead. Do you? Why or why not?
Far from dead. The last time I checked 38% of the internet was powered by Wordpress; so they're increasing their market share. Blogging is, like everything else, rapidly evolving. AI will play a huge part in that. I imagine right now that someone with far greater technical knowledge has embedded AI in a Wordpress plug in and it is an 'auto-blog' with very little requirement from the owner to be involved.

But lets called AI what it is; it's a plagiarism tool. It's not intelligent. It searches the internet and fetches results or rewrites content. It won't ever have a personality. It won't ever have an opinion. It won't ever be passionate. It'll never be a successful at writing meaningful posts.

It might be able to produce the perfect SEO post but people don't subscribe to blogs for the blog, they subscribe to the person behind it. That's what I think a lot of people don't do when they are starting out. They don't sell themselves. You ae your greatest asset. Use you. AI will never compete with you.
I don't think it is dead. It's just like forums. Die-hard individuals will keep them going & keep supporting one another. It's just harder to maintain a blog as it's mostly from one person's perspective with guests commenting.
I am not for AI. I think it can go too far with humans. It takes the responsibility & research off of the humans & makes us lazier in my opinion.
But lets called AI what it is; it's a plagiarism tool. It's not intelligent. It searches the internet and fetches results or rewrites content. It won't ever have a personality. It won't ever have an opinion. It won't ever be passionate. It'll never be a successful at writing meaningful posts.
That's all AI really is right now... A content scraper. That's why I prefer to search myself on real issues. I can do just the same but I can also be biased where IO need to be biased. AI usually can't do that without you specifically instructing it to do so and somehow training it.
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