How often do you eat candy?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
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I usually eat a few Brach's peppermints a day.

Sometimes, I eat Marzipan and dark chocolate here and there.

How about you all?
I don’t eat candy often because it’s high in sugar. In addition, diabetes runs in my family, so I have to be cautious.
I don’t eat candy often because it’s high in sugar. In addition, diabetes runs in my family, so I have to be cautious.
I have been cutting down on it over the years, but I do crave it daily LOL
Not that often, but I do love candy!

Especially snickers, m&ms and reese’s peanut butter cups.
I just ate a double pack of cup today LOL
I'm diabetic so rarely eat anything sweet. I never really was big into candy anyway. Probably because of having diabetes all my life.
If I ever got diagnosed with it, I'd quit eating it altogether.

I don't feel like I eat enough sweets to be even borderline, though,
I am a chocolate addict. And not just the run of the mill Hershey bar. I need the dark European style good ****.
I'm diabetic so rarely eat anything sweet. I never really was big into candy anyway. Probably because of having diabetes all my life.
Because I'm at a higher risk for it since pretty much all of my hormones are out of whack (growth hormone, testosterone, DHT, and estrogen due to what I believe was a pituitary injury with some good ole pugil stick fighting), I should be cautious of this too, but I'm not. I'm sure it'll hit me like a bag of bricks when insulin craps out on me though. However, it's just one more shot I'll need if I do get diagnosed with it (my blood work is constantly monitored so I'll be able to see the pre-stages of it and adjust from there).

That said, I'm not really a candy eater. I prefer snack foods/cookies/biscuits more as it's "filling". However, they are still high in sugar. But, unlike candy, since they give a "full" feeling, I can usually stop before I consume as much sugar as I otherwise would have if I just sat down and ate M&Ms or Kisses until the bag is gone.
This year, I'm trying to cut down on sweets. I really want to lose my belly. It's like 20 pounds. I can do it. I just need to cut down on some stuff - candy being one of them.
Seriously, I can't remember the last time I eat any candy. They have never been my thing even when I was still a kid. The last time I used to try and eat them was when I was in the university. My girlfriend love eating them so much, so she makes me eat it with her sometimes.
White chocolate is one of the best, depending one where it’s from.

I love almond joys and Reese’s peanut butter cups though along with Hershey’s.
Almonds seeds is what I want to start eating now. I was told it's very good for men to eat it often for mmh mmh if you know what I'm referring to 😂 😂
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