Recent content by Cory

Welcome to Another Admin Forum!

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  1. Cory


    Forum Name: jCodes Forum URL: jCodes Forum Description: jCodes is a resource forum dedicated exclusively to the Jcink forum software. We have thousands of posts, over a thousand members, hundreds of codes, a variety of skins, and more!
  2. Cory

    How much programming do you know?

    Just JavaScript, considering HTML and CSS are not considered programming languages.
  3. Cory

    What kind of forum admin are you?

    I'm very laid back to the point I'll remove specific rules if people keep breaking them. For example, I originally required 5 posts to post an advertisement on my forum and people kept disregarding the rule, so I just removed it. I've only had to hit the ban hammer for 4 out of nearly 2000...
  4. Cory

    What did you code last?

    It looks nice, but I released my code on my resource board as something administrators can use. It is a minimal code, so it's not a plugin by any means. It's just something simple people can use for better control of their drop-down menu styles and customization. :)
  5. Cory

    Cory here!

    Thank you, kindly! I'm a little bit of everywhere. :cool:
  6. Cory

    Why should I join your forum?

    My forum is a Jcink resource board and if anyone uses or plans to use Jcink as their forum host, then it's a very useful board to be a part of. I have hundreds of resources only available to registered members.
  7. Cory

    Cory here!

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm sure I'll enjoy it here!
  8. Cory

    Limiting Guest Views

    Guests can view the entirety of my board except the Codes forum and its subforums and the Skins forum and its subforums. This is the primary reason my member count increases so quickly. I've already received 30+ registrations this month and last month I received 50+. However, I don't do it just...
  9. Cory

    What did you code last?

    I coded an alternative drop-down menu code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery. It makes use of an unordered list as the select menu and list items as the option items. It works just like a drop-down menu would, only it's more customizable and easy to style.
  10. Cory

    Cory here!

    Hey everyone, you may recognize me from a lot of forums since I'm such a forum enthusiast! Forums are my #1 hobby. I also enjoy coding, Pokemon GO, and music. Glad to be a part of the forum!
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