Why should I join your forum?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Tell me why I should join your forum!

How would it benefit me?
My forum is a Jcink resource board and if anyone uses or plans to use Jcink as their forum host, then it's a very useful board to be a part of. I have hundreds of resources only available to registered members.
You can earn cash on my forum playing poker for free with our partnered poker site in a daily game we have for our members starting in November. I've been working on getting a daily freebuy/freeroll for my members since I launched my site.
Wow that’s awesome! Do you have games for players of different levels?

Also I’m curious as to how it benefits you financially to offer a free service for used to earn cash? I imagine you earn via advertising/accepting donations?
I like those questions...

Who should join my forum and what's in there for them.

You should join my forum if:
1- You are a forum owner(or want to start a forum)
2- You are looking to earn and create passive revenue

What's in there for you?
1- As a forum owner: You will have someone(me) whose goal is to unite forces and make something bigger than ourselves.
2 - As a forum user: You will be part of a community where the main goal is to help you generate passive revenue to the point it becomes
one of the best decision you have ever taken in your life. (My goal is to help you become Millionaire and have many good Millionaires friends to do even bigger things to help people all around the world. What I call it as: The Titans Club)

If you have similar goals, you should (without doubt) join ForumRace!
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