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  1. Cpvr

    What did you drink last?

    Diet dr pepper was the last thing that I had to drink.
  2. Cpvr

    Page views in last 30 days?

    My pageviews increased from January to February. It’s on track to increase again this month. Social traffic, direct traffic, search traffic are showing nice traffic with no signs of decline.
  3. Cpvr

    Doctor Visit

    I usually go every couple of months to get my medications refilled & my blood work done. I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure, but it’s been maintained for a while now.
  4. Cpvr

    External Chat and Discord

    I don’t have a discord for my forum and have no plans to implement one. I believe it’ll take away all the activity from the forum itself.
  5. Cpvr

    What did you eat last?

    Chicken alfredo was the last thing that I ate.
  6. Cpvr

    How young is too young to make a forum?

    I don’t think there’s such a thing as being too young. I created my first forum at 15. As long as you have the willingness to do something, you should go for it and create a forum.
  7. Cpvr

    Does spam ever make you want to quit?

    No, spam doesn’t bother me. It takes seconds to remove it and to ban the member.
  8. Cpvr

    What's the last song you listened to?

    I’m currently listening to growing and changing by Kj thomas
  9. Cpvr

    What are you doing for forum SEO?

    It also helps when the site’s navigation. I think it’s important that we make navigation easier on our forums. It can also help our forums get indexed and rank higher on the search engines, especially if one of the threads is already ranking higher.
  10. Cpvr

    How saturated is your forum niche?

    My forum isn’t too saturated as it’s a small niche, but the gaming niche is huge. There are a ton of gaming communities in that particular niche, but the vp/sim games niche isn’t that particular big, especially browser based.
  11. Cpvr

    Paying Members

    Ken brace was the original owner of tfw. I don’t think he sold it previously.
  12. Cpvr

    Anyone Earning Money on Webmaster Forums

    I think the owner of Digitalpoint is probably making a lot of money with his webmaster forum since there’s a lot of advertisements on his forum. They also have paid subscription models. WebmasterWorld is also another webmaster forum that has a subscription model. I believe it has advertisements...
  13. Cpvr

    Forum/blog of the month

    The thread got deleted, but it was a reward of $25, a quality posting package from Shawn along with a featured slot in the directory.
  14. Cpvr

    Telling people to search for the answer

    I don’t tell members to search for it, I’d rather do my best to help them. The response is rude and isn’t user friendly.
  15. Cpvr

    What's your highest number of post in a forum?

    It all depends if there’s a contract involved and if the former owner decides to wipe the old data. If there isn’t a contract involved, then there isn’t any rules with the database and it can be passed around without a legal standing.
  16. Cpvr

    New Here, Need Advice

    I believe it’s your writing style as your used to the reddit style and format. Using line breaks while writing on forums would help others understand you better and communicate more freely. Forums are different than blog formats as well. A lot of forum users use alias instead of their site...
  17. Cpvr

    How often do you eat candy?

    White chocolate is one of the best, depending one where it’s from. I love almond joys and Reese’s peanut butter cups though along with Hershey’s.
  18. Cpvr

    How long does Google Search Console take to index a new site?

    This is true. Focusing on content is key, however, you’ll need to promote at the same time or your content won’t be seen by anybody. Great content wins everytime, but without any promotion it won’t go anywhere.
  19. Cpvr

    Can all staff ban members of your forum?

    Yes, all my staff members can ban users on my forum. No, it hasn’t been abused.
  20. Gaming Latest

    Games Gaming Latest

    Gaming Latest is a dedicated gaming community covering Anime, tech, video game news, reviews, tips, and discussions across all platforms, from PlayStation and Xbox to PC, Nintendo, and mobile. Join gamers from around the world to talk about the latest releases, retro classics, gaming tech, and...
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