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  1. Cpvr

    Is there an overabundance of general chat sites?

    A general chat forum is definitely harder to gain traction with compared to a niche forum. The challenge lies in its broad nature—it covers so many subjects, making it harder to stand out. However, the appeal of a general chat forum lies in its members and the unique, engaging content they...
  2. Cpvr

    Off-Topic Section

    I always implement a general chat/off topic on my forum.
  3. Cpvr

    Do you do crypto?

    I collect crypto, but only a few ones. I have some shiba and dodge coin on robinhood. I also have another coin on a wallet that’s staked. I don’t buy any crypto anymore though. I’ve owned these coins for about a year.
  4. Cpvr

    I'm here!

    Welcome to the community! @Levina
  5. Cpvr

    Blogging Collective Merges with Another Admin Forum

    It’s definitely a good merge. Both forums are technically in the same niche. Well done!
  6. Cpvr

    How many photos do you allow on a single post?

    No, most of the images aren’t resource-heavy. They’re usually small and served from the cache.
  7. Cpvr

    Continuous Post Exchanges

    I prefer ongoing post exchanges rather than one-off arrangements. I’ve been doing these with a few forum owners for the past couple of months, and it’s a post exchange tactic that I find works best. Honestly, it’s one of the best ways to engage in post exchanges, as it helps both forums grow...
  8. Cpvr

    Posting repeated topics (reply amounts)

    It’s a good strategy, but I prefer to bump older topics and ask different questions in them.
  9. Cpvr

    How many photos do you allow on a single post?

    I allow about 50–100 attachments per post on my forum, as I run an art marketplace where artists can sell their work. I also share news from games, which are usually image-heavy, so I permit a large number of images to be posted. I also believe attachments can boost engagement, depending on...
  10. Cpvr

    Aragon Waving!

    Welcome to the community! @Aragon Burner
  11. Cpvr

    Heatman says hello 👋

    Hey @Heatman welcome to the community! It's great to see you here mate!😎
  12. Cpvr

    Sudden boost of activity

    A sudden burst of activity often occurs as your community grows and expands. One of the key things you can do is actively post and engage with your members when it happens. This will happen more frequently as long as your community remains active and continues to grow. Asking questions is one...
  13. Cpvr

    Have you ever used fake forum stats?

    No, I’ve never faked my forum stats. I don’t see a point in “faking until you make it” approach. There’s not a logical reason to do this.
  14. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

    Thirty five
  15. Cpvr

    AAF got a gift yesterday!

    Jay does if you’re looking for a forum to buy.
  16. Cpvr

    What are you doing for forum SEO?

    I’m building backlinks to forum topics, my homepage, directory pages, and I have alt tags on images that are included in my directory. I also use header tags in certain areas on my forum. These tactics work quite well. I’m also interlinking to other forum topics and pages that are similar to...
  17. Cpvr

    Are you someone who is particular about the foods you eat?

    There are some buffets around here that serve shrimp and crab. I’m sure they get tired of seeing me when I go.🤣
  18. Cpvr

    Paying Members

    That’s a good idea. I’ve seen this tactic work on a few other forums. Discussionbucks, Indexforum and Doja’s forum, which is a medical paid to post forum. Hulk is also using Microlikes on his new forum, so I believe his forum is technically a paid to post one...
  19. Cpvr

    What's the last song you listened to?

    I’m currently listening to this cover by Aamir, “incomplete/we belong together”.
  20. Cpvr

    AAF got a gift yesterday!

    Congratulations, AAF!
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