Have you ever used fake forum stats?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Have you ever faked your forum stats?

Did you use a plugin for it?

How do you feel about such a practice?
No. Never could understand why anyone would want to use fake users or anything else. If a forum has a friendly atmosphere it doesn't matter if they have 100 members or 100,000 members. I'll join.
In all honesty, I love joining new forums that have no activity.

I know how it feels to see those first real members join and start livening up the place. I love being able to provide that feeling to other forum owners starting out.

I also love that some of them see my name and get really excited because I'm a motor-mouth who posts a lot :P
No, I’ve never faked my forum stats. I don’t see a point in “faking until you make it” approach.

There’s not a logical reason to do this.
I agree 100%.

I think faking it until you make it is a good way to earn a reputation of deceiving people. I think it is a very bad practice and can keep you from truly succeeding.

I'd rather be the smallest forum in the niche and grow ethically than to be fake and be the biggest.
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