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  1. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

    Twenty six
  2. Cpvr

    Self-Hosting vs. Managed Hosting: Which is the Smarter Choice for Forums?

    When I first started, I chose self-hosting with managed options, and I’d make the same choice if I could go back. The trial-and-error process is invaluable for learning as a first-timer. Building a community is all about growth and adaptation—without those challenges, you miss out on key...
  3. Cpvr

    What's the last song you listened to?

    The last song that I listened to was Broken Stones by Curt the countryman.
  4. Cpvr

    The Rise and Fall of Forums: Can They Compete with Social Media in 2024?

    There are countless independent forums out there, with new ones popping up every day. However, unless you’re actively promoting your forum and engaging potential users on social media, it can be challenging to attract new members from those platforms.
  5. Cpvr

    New Forum Owner Mistakes

    I think some forum owners make the mistake of launching with too many forums and not providing enough content in each of them. It’s better to start small and gradually expand your forum offerings as the community grows. One of the biggest mistakes I made when I was younger was not taking...
  6. Cpvr

    Forum Friends

    I’ve made a lot of friends over the years from forums and we’ve became quite close.
  7. Cpvr

    What's your forum stats?

    VPL currently has 1,689 topics, 14,013 posts and 598 members.
  8. Cpvr

    Low Quality Member Posts

    Low-quality posts don’t bother me as a forum owner, especially since some topics don’t require long, in-depth responses—while others might only need a sentence or two. I’d rather see users engaging and having a good time than impose strict requirements on post quality.
  9. Cpvr

    Do bloggers rely too much on adsense?

    Exactly. It’s also the stepping stone network, which will help you get into other networks in the future. Especially ad networks like Mediavine.
  10. Cpvr

    How do you use social media responsibly?

    Don’t share things on social media that you don’t want the world to know. Such as, private family things.
  11. Cpvr

    Is Paid Advertising the Only Way to Grow a Forum in 2024 and beyond?

    Forums can still grow organically via the use of SEO and word of mouth along with social media, but it takes a lot more effort to do it than it did in the past. Relying on social media to grow your forum is a smart strategy and more forum owners should do it. We have to tap in the social media...
  12. Cpvr

    Are you someone who is particular about the foods you eat?

    I’ll eat crawfish if it’s in a soup, but I won’t eat it if it’s in a bucket or anything like that. Liver is nasty too. I love fried gizzards. I didn’t like it though when I was younger. I also like fried crab.
  13. Cpvr

    Count to 100 (spelling)

    Twenty three
  14. Cpvr

    Have you ever closed down a forum?

    Same here. Slow progress is better than no progress. Hardwork will always pay off in the long run. I’ll keep pushing and posting on my forum until I can’t anymore. At least, that’s my motto. I’m not one to ever give up. I learned this while playing sports growing up, especially experiencing...
  15. Cpvr

    Join a lot of forums?

    Same here. I honestly can’t tell you how many forums i’m a member of😅 But, I’m only active on a few of them.
  16. Cpvr

    When do you tell others about your new forum?

    When I launch my forum, I start promoting it right away because it already has content that I’ve seeded. I prefer not to wait to promote my community—I like to hit the ground running from the moment it launches.
  17. Cpvr

    How must active-time do you spend on your forum?

    I spend 1-3 hours a day on my forum. Generally responding and posting new content.
  18. Cpvr

    Forum Facebook Page

    My forum’s facebook page has 311 followers and most of them are members of my community. I usually post on my forum’s fb page a few times a week.
  19. Cpvr

    First thing you do?

    When I join a new forum, I usually upload an avatar and jump right into the discussions that are currently going on. There are times where I don’t make an introduction topic though.
  20. Cpvr

    Age Requirements

    I’d rather keep the age limit above 13, so I don’t have to deal with the headache of Coppa.
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