Forum Feedback AAF is really slow to respond

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It's taking 2-3 seconds to display forums and posting a new reply can take up to 5 seconds with the loading bar.

I checked the server and everything and it all looks pretty good. I haven't got any downtime reports from my external reporting service.

7% used on RAM. 7% used on DISK. 30% used on MySQL server.
Maybe a problem with your provider or somewhere upstream before you get to the site
I have noticed a few periods of really slow interaction also. I forget which day it was but when I checked my internet speed I was getting my 1Gbps down and a loaded latency of 28ms. It was only on this site that I observed the issue.
A few hours later it was working fine, so odds are it was an upstream issue nearer the hosting provider used.
I am assuming that @Shawn Gossman doesn't use CF on the site from some of his past comments?

I checked the server and everything and it all looks pretty good. I haven't got any downtime reports from my external reporting service.

7% used on RAM. 7% used on DISK. 30% used on MySQL server.
It's fine now, but when I posted it was taking 1-5 seconds to respond.

I thought I might've been double-posting at times because the loading bar was going on when I clicked a second time.
I am assuming that @Shawn Gossman doesn't use CF on the site from some of his past comments?
Haven't set it up for this site yet. Unsure on the downtime. I use a reporting service that is really good about reporting even the slightest hiccup and I've not got any reports.

I'm not saying it didn't happen but I've yet to find it happening on my end.

I'm going to look into setting up for CF, though, as I'm sure there are more benefits than none.

I just need to mark stuff off my list on what I need to do:

1. I use a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, Can I still, use that and how do I make it work with CF?

2. I use SMTP email on the forum, how do I get that to work with CF?

3. What plugins do I need or rules do I need to setup?

I'm guessing I can do all that on their free plan, right?
I used CF for about a week. Premium version. To me I can mitigate the issues that CF helps with on my routers. CF can get pretty aggressive at times. I would stay away from it unless your site is prone to attacks.
I used CF for about a week. Premium version. To me I can mitigate the issues that CF helps with on my routers. CF can get pretty aggressive at times. I would stay away from it unless your site is prone to attacks.
That's what I've always kind of wondered.

CF to me is more of a defensive measure against attacks.

I've used it on one of my blogs and had more issues than good.
CF is more than just for DDOS. And it does more than what a router on someones network stack can do. It is also a CDN, which speeds content delivery up since if you are using caching it serves from a local pool to the user.
CF gets as "aggressive" as you have the settings set at.
That's one of the nice things about XenForo. DigitalPoints add-on takes a lot of the work out of it. And IPS and vBulletin neither one have an equivalent add-on for them AFAIK.

I've been using it for years and the only "issues" I've had were ones that were caused by me using settings that I did not know what were for. Take RocketLoader as an example. You want to blow Xenforo up, enable it. But reading the description it sounds "so handy".
ep. I have a full caching CDN right on my multihomed network.
So, you have CDN distribution points spread throughout the world for delivery?
You know, like in the EU for any EU visitors, Canada for Canadian, S. Africa for S. Africa and such? ;)
I'm pretty sure that the CF CDN is a tad bit more robust and widespread.
Multhomed is great for redundancy, but the closer your cached data is to the end user, the faster it will normally be. That is one of the benefits of it, especially at the cost level you have to pay, even for their upper tiers.
I realize there is a segment of admins that don't like CF and find it useless, but there is also a wider segment that finds their features useful.
Not everyone can have their own rack with routing hardware that they control.

I wouldn't use any of DigitalPoints addons. Don't trust the guy.
His add-on code is trusted well enough by the XF developers that they folded some if it into their core (the DP security add-on that they used code from for Passkey ability).
So, you have CDN distribution points spread throughout the world for delivery?
You know, like in the EU for any EU visitors, Canada for Canadian, S. Africa for S. Africa and such? ;)
I'm pretty sure that the CF CDN is a tad bit more robust and widespread.
Multhomed is great for redundancy, but the closer your cached data is to the end user, the faster it will normally be. That is one of the benefits of it, especially at the cost level you have to pay, even for their upper tiers.
I realize there is a segment of admins that don't like CF and find it useless, but there is also a wider segment that finds their features useful.
Not everyone can have their own rack with routing hardware that they control.

His add-on code is trusted well enough by the XF developers that they folded some if it into their core (the DP security add-on that they used code from for Passkey ability).
I still wouldn't trust him. He made millions with malicious code and did time for it. It wouldn't surprise me if he fell back into that. You're a former LEO and should know full well that some criminals don't remain on the straight and narrow for long.

I'm sure the xendevs vetted it real well before adding it.
still wouldn't trust him. He made millions with malicious code and did time for it.
I don't know if I would call cookie stuffing malicious code. There have been numerous others that did similar to that in the past. Anyone that has used any blackhat SEO methods aren't that much better.
And as for "criminals"... some do. Remember, what he did at the time wasn't that egregious in itself, and a stretch had to be made to make it a criminal violation.
And yes, his point about sometimes it's cheaper to just plead out than spend tons of money proving your are right and never getting that money back is legitimate. Saw it all the time in my career. Innocent folks pled guilty because either they could not afford to pay for a decent defense and realized that they would get slammed and a plea deal was the easier way out, or the courts were actually rigged against them.
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Looks like some server maintenance is going on with my hosting service so maybe that led to this downtime.
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I'm facing a bit of a delay now too, so it could be continued routine maintenance.

It's no bother to me as I am a member here and can stick it through.

I'll shoot a message to my host and see what they say.

Maybe they can see something I'm not seeing.

I'll shoot a message to my host and see what they say.

Maybe they can see something I'm not seeing.
It tends to happen during my daytime, which is your nighttime, but only for short periods of time like 15-30 minutes, and when I presume a host would be doing maintenance as things are typically quieter so they're not interrupting too many people (vice doing it during peak hours).

I'll be sure to log the times next time it happens so you can look into it on your end and forward it to your host to see if they were doing anything then.
It tends to happen during my daytime, which is your nighttime, but only for short periods of time like 15-30 minutes, and when I presume a host would be doing maintenance as things are typically quieter so they're not interrupting too many people (vice doing it during peak hours).

I'll be sure to log the times next time it happens so you can look into it on your end and forward it to your host to see if they were doing anything then.
Appreciate it :)
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Just for an update.. at about 6AM CST this site really becomes slow.
Just for an update.. at about 6AM CST this site really becomes slow.
Thanks. Sent this to my host to see if they see anything. How is it for you now? For me, it's lightning quick.
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