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Are forums dead?

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
Some people say forums are dead.

How do you feel about it?

I'll admit that forums aren't as popular as they once were but if you look at the bigger forums, they're still getting a lot of daily activity.

I'm curious what you all think about this?

Are forums dead? Is it worth creating a forum in 2024 and beyond? Why or why not?
No, forums aren't dead. Sure, fewer forums are being created than in years past, but that's because many people have moved on to different industries.

Life goes on for others. I remember a time when a new forum was created almost every single day. This wasn't necessarily a good thing, as it led to a lot of fluff in the industry.

I also think the shift to Web 3.0 has caused many forums to fall off and end up in the graveyard. For example, some forums have been sold, and those that were once a valuable resource for new forum owners are no longer active, which isn’t ideal.

Reddit and Discord are examples of forums, so forums are still flourishing and moving forward.
Big forums aren't really getting smaller, so I guess that's the sign that they're hanging on. How can you steal away some of their members though to grow your own? I haven't figure that one out yet.

Smaller forums are faster to fall. It only takes a few good members to leave to make one site suddenly crash into oblivion.
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