Asking people to turn off ad blockers

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
There are many ad blockers out there. These tools will hide most ads from websites.

There is also technology that allows website owners to detect ad blockers.

If you were able to detect ad blockers being used by members, could you ever ask them not to enable ad blockers on your forum?

If yes, how do you justify it?

If no, why not?
I don’t mind if users use an ad blocker as I use one too. If a site asks me to remove it, I’ll use the brave browser as the feature is very annoying.

Especially the take over ad block message that returns multiple times.
I've always thought a site asking you to turn off ads is intrusive. It feels like they're spying on you.

Even though I spy on people for a living LOL (hey! we do have signs about it) I want some kind of privacy when browsing these forums.
There are some forums where it is a must for you to turn off ad blockers before you can actually use them. It depends on how the form owners wants to run the forum but such forums that does that are usually paid to post forums.
There are some forums where it is a must for you to turn off ad blockers before you can actually use them
That's fine but I just don't want to hear the admins complain about not getting members or activity on the forum.

They set it up to be that all on their own. IMO.
There are some forums where it is a must for you to turn off ad blockers before you can actually use them. It depends on how the form owners wants to run the forum but such forums that does that are usually paid to post forums.
There’s also some that label your username as using an ad blocker, which is a weird tactic.

To me, it’s up to the user if they’d like to use one or not. Just because they’re using a browser that has a built in ad blocker that shouldn’t be an issue.

Admins that stoop to this level are ridiculous.
That's fine but I just don't want to hear the admins complain about not getting members or activity on the forum.

They set it up to be that all on their own. IMO.
Exactly! When they start nagging about not getting more members or low level activities, it's their fault, they should chest it 100%.

Bizdustry experienced this some years ago when the ads was forced on users. Even staff members had to allow ads.
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