Blogging Collective Merges with Another Admin Forum

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Howdy folks,

I'm happy to announce that I have merged Blogging Collective with Another Admin Forum.

Blogging Collective was a forum dedicated to blogging creation, marketing, profit, and WordPress topics.

Another Admin Forum is a forum dedicated to creating, marketing, profiting from, and platforms for online community and discussion forums.

These two forums merged together make for a great community dedicated to both forums and blogs.

All accounts sharing the same email should have been merged together. We now have more than 60 members, 1,000+ topics, and 4,000+ posts.

I have added a nice blogging section to the forum for blogging topics and showcasing. I have also added around articles to the article section about blogging.

I hope you all enjoy this great addition to AAF!
Haha. Merging is definitely the 2025 trend!
Some of these just boggle my mind. They create a niche in X and merge with a niche in another galaxy. It doesn't make sense whatsoever.

Blogging Collective was a forum dedicated to blogging creation, marketing, profit, and WordPress topics.

Another Admin Forum is a forum dedicated to creating, marketing, profiting from, and platforms for online community and discussion forums.
This makes sense since it's in the same niche, relatively speaking, just a broader focus.
Forums are hard. I almost left the scene.
They can definitely be hard. I guess you have to ask yourself what you want to get out of forums.

I don't expect AAF to ever reach a traditional big board status. But I do foresee a community of friends who like to talk shop and help each other whether it's 100 members or 10,000 members.

I'm in it for the community, no matter the size.

If you reflect that same thought-process, they aren't as hard to run. :)
The cost involved has gone up, which makes it a business. And once you invest, you cannot be a non-profit. From content to services, you will have to squeeze money wherever you can.
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