ElasticSearch vs OpenSearch

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Active member
Oct 14, 2024
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Both based upon the same code base. OpenSearch was forked from ES after Amazon and the ES developers butted heads about Amazon using it in an AWS offering and ES changed the licensing up to prohibit that type of action basically.
OpenSearch is based upon the ElasticSearch 7.x code base line. ElasticSearch is up to version 8.3.17.
Performance reports (unbiased) that I have seen shows that ElasticSearch outperforms Opensearch by noticeable amounts in most measured areas.

So the question is, for someone running their own VPS or dedicated server, why would you choose OpenSearch over ElasticSearch. Most probably don't need the fancy interface panel that costs extra in ES and comes standard in OpenSearch. So as for as a standalone user license, they are about the same.
I personally rather use the higher performing/smaller footprint ElasticSearch over OpenSearch.
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