First Domain Name

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
What was your first forum domain?

What did you use it for?

Do you still have it?
My first domain name was one I bought after my game was stolen to rebrand (unfortunately, the members never came back).

I went from a free subdomain on a hosting company to what the person partnering with me had (a "corporate" style brand, now on a "game name" domain) to my first domain, because when I first started, the $10/month for hosting was a lot for what my mom (who made $377/mo at the time) could afford, let alone $99 for a Tucows domain (I think it came down tremendously in price after the 99/2 yr standard to something more reasonable in the $25-50 range, but nowhere near registration fees from Verisign [.com] and ICANN fees to make it $9-12ish).

Someone picked it up, it got dropped and someone else picked it up, and it wasn't until it dropped again on 3/11/2021 when I picked it up just for namesake. I do plan on eventually developing the game on it again though, and active on VPL for when the time comes to drop a beta and have players. Who knows? Some of VPL's members may be members of my old game circa 2001, and when they hear the story in full, abandon the "original" game and come over. If not, I still have a targeted audience that will enjoy it just as much as the members, and myself, did back then.
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