Thanks Shawn. There are a lot of digital marketing companies in India which do spam. People from all over the world hire them to do that job. I am not sure what you get about India from the media in the US and Europe. But India is the 4th largest economy in the world. 1,463,865,525 people live there according to Google, which makes India the largest by population. You will find all sorts in this 140 + crore population.
Sadly, the good things about India seem to never get enough reach. World's 2nd largest Army, the largest democracy in the world, successfully landed a rover on the Moon. Active Solar, Lunar, and Mars space missions. One of the top IT hub in the world. Google, Microsoft, Adobe etc CEOs were born and finished their studies in India.
To be honest, Chirstopher Columbus went looking for India and accidently " discovered " America. Alexander the Great, who is often referred to as the person who conquered the known world, his army suddenly got tired when he reached India according to certain historians. Having amassed enough wealth, they decided to just go home and relax. Convienience
He was defeated by Chandra Gupta Maurya and had to end his campaign. In the Battle of Kolachal, Dutch Navy was so badly defeated that they had zero role in India subcontinent after that incident.
Great history, amazing culture and some wonderful people keeps India a nice place to be. India is perhaps the only counterweight world has to China. Even though rivals politically these days, China is a great culture and dates around 2000 to 3000 years back, just like India.