How many glasses of water do you drink each day?

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Junior Member
Nov 17, 2024
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I love drinking water and prefer it over juices, alcoholic beverages, and other drinks. I usually consume nearly seven glasses of water each day. I always use my insulated water bottle to drink water, whether it's hot or cold; however, I usually prefer it at room temperature.

How many glasses of water do you drink each day? If you're not a fan of drinking water, here are a few benefits that might change your mind:

1. Hydration
2. Removal of waste from the body
3. Aids digestion
4. Improves brain function

... and more!
I drink roughly a gallon of water a day.
I drink about a gallon of water every day. What does everyone here prefer to drink: ice-cold water or warm water?
I prefer ice water because I find the taste better.

But when I hike and bike, the water is usually around room temperature but also usually contains some kind of electrolyte as well.
I don't know the number of glasses but I drink a bottle of water a day, so I estimate that it must be about 5 glasses a day or maybe more, I don't know exactly.
I take up to 8 glasses of water daily since I want to stay hydrated. Another thing is that I'm on a weight loss journey so I take a lot of water
You know, I've yet to see water actually do anything for my weight loss.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
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