How much programming do you know?

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
I can follow instructions on how to edit PHP and MySQL.

I know HTML and CSS fairly well.

How about you all?
I cut my teeth in college on Cobal. I did an internship before I was called to duty for my country at IBM where Assembly and C was the game.

I created a forum package by hacking up some ASP scripts. I created a ham log program in Basic back in the 80's on a Commodore 64. It was popular at the time. I programmed a donkey kong like game in q-basic also on a Commodore 64. It was a gorilla standing on a building tossing bananas and you had to knock them down and dodge them.

I still dabble with PHP, C# and .Net. Not as much as I used to.
I cut my teeth in college on Cobal. I did an internship before I was called to duty for my country at IBM where Assembly and C was the game.

I created a forum package by hacking up some ASP scripts. I created a ham log program in Basic back in the 80's on a Commodore 64. It was popular at the time. I programmed a donkey kong like game in q-basic also on a Commodore 64. It was a gorilla standing on a building tossing bananas and you had to knock them down and dodge them.

I still dabble with PHP, C# and .Net. Not as much as I used to.
Sounds like I have made a new friend - I use these in my job :D Let’s help each other with any questions we have 👯
Just JavaScript, considering HTML and CSS are not considered programming languages.
little and nothing, the little I was able to know is thanks to Chatgpt because I once had to ask for some programming codes for a blog I was editing but nothing more than that
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