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As it doesn't explicitly say that I'm above the limit, an error code 500 indicates the server was unable to process a request. One request, cool, two, okay, ten spread out over a day (far from the 10,000)? They have to be denying them based on other criteria set and possibly known over just the 10,000 limits.
And that could be down to a multitude of things, not all of which are on the end of the IndexNow server (which I assume we are talking about Bing).
I also have a feeling that they don't return a 500 error for throttling but a 429 (too many requests) if it is due to rate limiting.
And remember, if you are on shared hosting, it may not be YOUR site that is causing the issue, but another site on that shared hosting provider using the same IP. Those will be boxed into the same quota container as any other site on that IP as they apparently don't filter it based upon domain (or at least IndexNow does not according to information I found).
A 500 error can also mean that the data you are sending from your server is not formatted properly for them, which will be an XF issue (either core or 3rd party if you are using any add-ons that change the structure sent).
It can also mean that their return connection (their crawl request from your submission) is having issues from your server which they report as a 500 error.
And if it's basically only you having issues and none of the other XF license holders are having/reporting the same issue, it stands to reason that the problem is on your site end and not with the IndexNow/Bing server.

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Have you checked the Bing Webmaster tools and confirmed that they are getting notices in your Bing Webmaster tools?

I believe with Bing you have to at least have your site listed in their Webmaster tools since generally you need an API key of some type to communicate with an indexnow server.

It's been a bit since I set it up.
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Thanks, @Tracey. I'll look into it. Not shared, has its own dedicated IP, and decides when or when not to throw an error 500.
Be sure to check your web server logs. It could be also be as simple as a firewall setting not allowing connection from their IP. I got caught by that recently since MS is also like Amazon and has servers from their IP blocks that they "rent space" on. I did an ASN block due some bot abuse found in logs and it just so happened that Bing was in the big middle of that ASN.
I do have RSS available. I've always tried to keep them enabled.
They are very good to the best of my knowledge because when your active members slacks in adding new threads, your rss feeds will do a very good job of it.
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