Optimize Your Forum for Speed and Performance

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
What are you doing to Optimize Your Forum for Speed and Performance?

What steps have you taken to improve your overall speed and performance?
Removing Google AdSense and Google Analytics :) That speed up the forum a lot :)
I can see where AdSense could cause some slowness.

But Analytics? It's really just a code in the header.
I can see where AdSense could cause some slowness.

But Analytics? It's really just a code in the header.
Yes, it's a code in the header, but they load more code dynamically and keep constant communication back and forth from Google and your website.
How do you think they collect all user's click, movements, behaviors, etc... Now, add that for each visitor on each of your pages???
Yes, it's a code in the header, but they load more code dynamically and keep constant communication back and forth from Google and your website.
How do you think they collect all user's click, movements, behaviors, etc... Now, add that for each visitor on each of your pages???
This can be prevented though if you have a cdn in place. Especially if you’re using cloudflare or memcache.

Then, the code isn’t loading all the time since it’s cached.

Memcached is a great choice for implementing a high performance in-memory cache to decrease data access latency, increase throughput, and ease the load off your back-end systems. Memcached can serve cached items in less than a millisecond, and enables you to easily and cost effectively scale for higher loads. Memcached is popular for database query results caching, session caching, web page caching, API caching, and caching of objects such as images, files, and metadata.
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You can also speed up your server by adding this to your .htaccess;

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css application/javascript application/x-javascript

Which enables Gzip compression by compressing files reduces file size and speeds up page load
Also if you’re running an xenforo forum, go to the link proxy section in the admin panel and change the image cache time limit from the default to 30-60 days.

This will have a nice performance effect if your forum has a lot of images as it’ll cache your images for 30-60 days instead of always loading them.
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