Pages of replies!

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
How often do you get topics with dozens of pages of replies?

Do you try to keep discussions going as an attempt to build up pages of replies on a thread?
I have a few topics with more than 5 pages of topics. These are shows and music topics along with “what’s your favorite game” threads. I usually keep the discussions going as often as possible.
Those are typically pretty easy to maintain in several pages of replies. The niche-based topics are a bit more challenging to turn into several pages without the discussions going off topic or turning into one liners.
Those are typically pretty easy to maintain in several pages of replies. The niche-based topics are a bit more challenging to turn into several pages without the discussions going off topic or turning into one liners.
There are some forum users and especially owners who are chronic with using a one liner replies or even just one or max two words. This annoys me like hell.
There are some forum users and especially owners who are chronic with using a one liner replies or even just one or max two words. This annoys me like hell.
Yeah I try to avoid that.

A one line is fine if it adds some kind of value to the discussion.

I typically start a topic with one or two lines. A topic subject and a question.
Those are typically pretty easy to maintain in several pages of replies. The niche-based topics are a bit more challenging to turn into several pages without the discussions going off topic or turning into one liners.
One of the interesting perspectives of Discourse is that mega threads usually become tangents of conversations or status updates.

Most conversations are actually discrete, with a beginning and ending.
Yeah I try to avoid that.

A one line is fine if it adds some kind of value to the discussion.

I typically start a topic with one or two lines. A topic subject and a question.
I've seen your one liner threads. It's more like an inquiry to something which you don't have to say too much because you're looking for more information from others on the subject.
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