Quit worrying about new posts

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
At what point do you quit worrying or at least worry less about creating new topics on your forum (as the admin)?

Is there are certain level of membership and activity that needs to be reached before you worry less about creating new content?

Is it more efficient to let regular members create new content and just focus your efforts on making replies?

How does everyone feel about this sort of thing?
I don’t think we should ever stop worrying about new posts as it’s a deciding factor of our communities growth.

However, we should also focus on the traffic among other things.

As long as our communities continue to strive with new content, we’re all doing something right!😏
I like to write too much to quit posting new topics.

I have loads of them saved on a private board to post here. I won't be running out of ideas anytime in the next couple of years.

I do try to slow down, reply more than create new, to give others a chance to create some new ones, though.
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