Another Admin Forum: A forum for forum owners!

FREE Sovereign Esports Now Hiring

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New member
Hello everyone,

We are looking to possibly fill a couple roles for an upcoming esports organization I help run.

Below are a couple positions that we are looking to fill. Majority of them are free positions, however, a couple could be paid positions. All position descriptions are briefly described. More duties could be added to each position, and I will go into further detail once we discuss it with whoever is interested. All positions are mostly through our discord server. Please let me know if any of you are interested. Fill free to shoot me a direct message or emaill me at

Senior staff positions

Marketing Manager (Paid Position | Currently on hold filling this position) - this person would report to all the org directors. They will be in charge of helping get our image out to the public.

Social Media Manager (Volunteer Position) - this person would report to all the org directors. They will be in charge of all the social media staff, and ensuring quality content is being posted to our social media accounts.

General staff positions

Socials & Content Team Member (Volunteer Position) - this person would report to our social media manager. They would be in charge of posting to our social media platform accounts.

Web Developer (Paid Position) - this person would report directly to the Head Web Developer. They will help me with anything related to our team website. Developing new features, systems, etc.

Graphics Designer (Volunteer Position) - this person would report to the Marketing Manager. They will help in making graphics for the website, including logos, advertisements, and banners.
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