New Feature The Forum Administrator

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Shawn Gossman

AAF Administrator
AAF Moderator
Sep 7, 2023
Reaction score
Howdy folks,

I've decided to start an official Forum Owner newsletter.

It's going to be weekly and free.

Subscribe and unsubscribe anytime.

It'll include tips, resources, interesting links and finds, stories, and more.

I'll include a short survey on each issue for subscribers to tell me what they like, dislike, and want to see in the next issue. I'll work on making this thing awesome.

And if any of you wanted to have your own column in it, I'd be open to that :)

Subscribe if you want to! I'm going to work on starting this up by the New Year!

*Note: I won't be spamming you or selling your email/info to anyone. :)

I'm excited to see what becomes of this!
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