Another Admin Forum: A forum for forum owners!

Wikipedia Styled Donation Drives

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Shawn Gossman

Staff member
As part of this new AAF 2.0, I've decided not to show ads. Not even ads to other forums.

Keeping this community ad-free is important to me.

I make enough money with my online gigs to easily afford this community and its growth.

However, that isn't always the case for all forum owners. If you run ads, I don't fault you at all. It can be a great way to earn revenue to help you maintain your community, but it's not for everyone.

So, a Wikipedia model might work.

Wikipedia continues to not serve ads and relies on an annual donation drive.

If you were to do a donation drive for the costs of your domain name, forum software updates, theme updates, plugin updates, and the level of hosting you have to use - that might be enough to keep you going with the benefit of being completely ad-free.

As a general rule, I'm against begging for money pertaining to forums.

However, I don't see this particular concept as begging as long as you don't actually resort to begging.

How do you feel about this concept? Do you feel it would work? Why or why not?
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