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  1. JoelR


    Some thoughts in general: 1. Forums are structurally and fundamentally bad at incentivizing new members. Our basic design and user flow hasn't advanced in over 20 years 2. I've come to the conclusion - and professional community management has arrived at the same conclusion, especially on...
  2. JoelR

    AI posts make you lose motivation...

    I would be more worried about the day when we CAN'T distinguish between normal human posts and AI posts. The number of users and discussions focused on AI for content posting is distressing. AI can be incredibly powerful in so many other ways, not just content posting or content generation...
  3. JoelR

    Would you use nulled software, addons, or themes?

    One of the really interesting observations about the legacy forum ecosystem is that - as some developers "upscale" their clients while others continue to cater to a low cost / entry level - the piracy will follow the appropriate markets. There are enterprise community software like Salesforce...
  4. JoelR

    Pages of replies!

    One of the interesting perspectives of Discourse is that mega threads usually become tangents of conversations or status updates. Most conversations are actually discrete, with a beginning and ending.
  5. JoelR

    Do you "look into" your staff members?

    Are you running your forum as a professional business? Or are you running it as a fun hobbyist social forum? In no way am I critiquing the purpose of the background check. All I'm pointing out is that we should match the efforts of the background check to the purpose and point of the forum...
  6. JoelR

    Do you "look into" your staff members?

    I think the better question is ... Why do you care? What would you do with that information if you happened to know their real name and general location?
  7. JoelR

    Posting repeated topics (reply amounts)

    On a serious note, I think this could be a valid strategy if you're looking to drive engagement for the sake of engagement. Its great at driving more posts. However ... My critique of this strategy is that you will find yourself rehashing volatile topics (IPS vs XF! XF versus IPS!), which...
  8. JoelR

    Invision Is Invision worth its price? Why or why not?

    The open ended Pages application, where you can build databases of content such as articles, dictionaries, recipe sections, etc. is very powerful and doesn't quite have the same match in other platforms. IPS is an acquired taste. They don't pretend to cater to the freewheeling legacy forum...
  9. JoelR

    Posting repeated topics (reply amounts)

    Did you ... Recycle this topic?? 🫢
  10. JoelR

    nodeBB - it's not for supper

    It's really smooth on mobile, nice job! I haven't come across many NodeBB so it's great to try it out in person. Have you been able to check into the settings to see if they offer anything interesting?
  11. JoelR

    AAF got a gift yesterday!

    You got a forum for sale?? 😄
  12. JoelR

    F*** You!

    One of the core principles of people management: publicly praise, privately critique. There's no reason to make personnel issues public, unless there is a strategic reason or value to the community to make certain actions known.
  13. JoelR

    Leaving Spam on your forum: yay or nay?

    Hi, We already moderate the community for spam every day; there are users who are caught as part of the registration and we also have staff members who catch spam when they can. I appreciate your thoughts, but I was simply providing a helpful point that we appreciate members who use the report...
  14. JoelR

    Leaving Spam on your forum: yay or nay?

    If you see any spam at Admin Junkies, please use the report function! It helps a lot to trigger a search for other spam.
  15. JoelR

    Self-Hosting vs. Managed Hosting: Which is the Smarter Choice for Forums?

    I think a better question to re-frame the scenario for someone like you (and myself and most of the community admins here) is, if you were to start an online group for the first time without any prior experience, would you go self hosted or managed? Most of us look at this question with 10+...
  16. JoelR

    New Feature The Forum Administrator

    Will it be cross posted ok AAF?
  17. JoelR

    Is Strict Moderation Killing Forums or Keeping Them Alive?

    Is this algorithmic or manual? How is reputation and trust conferred, meaning, is it done by other users giving rep points and likes?
  18. JoelR

    The Rise and Fall of Forums: Can They Compete with Social Media in 2024?

    Sure, but are those users actually going to independent forums or are they simply migrating to new social platforms? Are they actually coming back to forums?
  19. JoelR

    The Rise and Fall of Forums: Can They Compete with Social Media in 2024?

    This is an existential question about the future of community building. If you look at where development efforts are being targeted (and I mean this broadly across all community development, not legacy forums), there is still a market for online communities. But they're consolidating around...
  20. JoelR

    Self-Hosting vs. Managed Hosting: Which is the Smarter Choice for Forums?

    There's a philosophical point about self hosting which is that you control more. You control the server, php, MySQL, the ability to host other sites, when and how often you conduct backups, your ability to tinker. There's a sense of greater ownership and control. One of the philosophical...
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