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  1. Cpvr

    Is there an overabundance of general chat sites?

    I’ve also noticed this too. It’s like they don’t want to be a niche forum. Is it a good idea or a bad one? Only time will tell.
  2. Cpvr

    How often do you have to upgrade your server?

    I recently moved to another server provider, but I have more than enough resources now. I can also scale up if I run out of resources for my forum.
  3. Cpvr

    Domain Points

    I don’t have any other domains pointing to my forum.
  4. Cpvr

    How often do you tend to market your forum?

    Marketing your forum can be time consuming, but it’s a delicated process that we have to do to ensure that our communities grow in this day of social media. So, how often do you market your forum? Do you spend a couple of hours a week promoting your forum or do you promote your forum as often...
  5. Cpvr

    What methods would you not do to monetize your forum?

    There are some monetization methods that forum owners use that are overboard, especially stuffing their forums with a ton of advertisements, but what are some of things that you wouldn’t do to monetize your forum?
  6. Cpvr

    What did you drink last?

    Diet dr pepper was the last thing that I had to drink.
  7. Cpvr

    Forum Feedback AAF is really slow to respond

    It might be malicious bots hitting your server late at night. Look for any in the range of 47.238. And 47.82. Or similar ones. They’re from chinese bots that are known for hitting servers.
  8. Cpvr

    Contest Prizes

    Video game prizes are a good reward for top posters. I’ve seen this prize work well for a lot of communities over the years. Sometimes the contest needs to be promoted for others to hear about it. Did you promote it in any areas when you launched them? I remember when I launched posting...
  9. Cpvr

    Asking people to turn off ad blockers

    There’s also some that label your username as using an ad blocker, which is a weird tactic. To me, it’s up to the user if they’d like to use one or not. Just because they’re using a browser that has a built in ad blocker that shouldn’t be an issue. Admins that stoop to this level are ridiculous.
  10. Cpvr

    What did you do to promote your forum today?

    I promoted it on the PBBG sub along with the Millennials sub.
  11. Cpvr

    What did you eat last?

    Banana bread was the last thing that I ate.
  12. Cpvr

    MyBB Choosing MyBB

    No, mybb was never my first choice of forum software. smf was my first choice, then vBulletin though.
  13. Cpvr

    What did you drink last?

    We were just hot for a few days and now it’s cold again. It’s like Texas’ weather doesn’t know what it wants to do lmao. It’s quite an interesting winter to say the least. At least we got - a snow storm about a month or so ago. Did you get one as well?
  14. Cpvr

    Chatgpt’s search engine is now available to everyone

    The free version has a lot of the same features that the pro version has. The pro is mainly for developers tbh.
  15. Cpvr

    What addiction is the hardest to quit?

    Same. I’ve been biting my nails since I was 2.🤣
  16. Cpvr

    Optimize Your Forum for Speed and Performance

    You can also speed up your server by adding this to your .htaccess; <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css application/javascript application/x-javascript </IfModule> Which enables Gzip compression by compressing files reduces file size and speeds up page load
  17. Cpvr

    Most Money Spent?

    Years ago, I was spending $185 a month on a dedicated server from Liquidweb. However, I wouldn’t spend that amount now.
  18. Cpvr

    What did you do to promote your forum today?

    I promoted my forum on Tumblr today along with Reddit.
  19. Cpvr

    I Quit

    There’s also a forums tab on Google search. You generally see a lot of results under that tab.
  20. Cpvr

    Is your forum dying?

    No, I don’t think my forum is dying. It’s growing quite steady. My traffic is increasing on a monthly basis and I’m seeing an uptick of new registrations as well. I’m also mainly dominating most of the keywords in my niche on Google and Bing, so I believe this is helping my growth rate as well.
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